July 26, 2023
The Association of Northeast Extension Directors (NEED), in partnership with the Northeast network of the National Urban Extension Leaders (NE NUEL), is thrilled to honor four exemplary urban extension programs with 2023 Northeast Urban Extension Innovation Awards. Nominations were welcomed under four program categories — 4-H & Youth Development; Health & Nutrition; Urban Agriculture & Food Systems; and Green Infrastructure & Urban Revitalization.

The winning programs were chosen for their demonstrated impact, potential for ongoing growth and regional collaboration, and responsiveness to demonstrated community needs.
Each winner will receive a $1000 award to develop or expand their program or project and were given the opportunity to present to their peers during the 2023 Northeast Urban Extension Meeting in Springfield, Massachusetts.
Learn about the projects and connect to the leaders below:
- 4H & Youth Development – Diego Lahaye (University of the District of Columbia); the UDC 4-H Youth Soccer Program (link)
- Health & Nutrition – Chi Catalone (Penn State University); The Importance of Suicide Prevention Education (link)
- Urban Agriculture & Food Systems – Lila Karki, Kemika Poudel, Prem Bhandari (University of Maryland Eastern Shore); Challenges and Opportunities of Urban Agriculture: A Case of Small and Minority Immigrant Producers in Maryland (link)
- Green Infrastructure & Urban Revitalization – Chris Obropta (Rutgers University); Building Robust Community Partnerships through the Green Infrastructure Champions Program (link)