Michele Kroll (University of New Hampshire) wins 2024 Northeast Exceptional Local Educator Award

The Association of Northeast Extension Directors (NEED) has awarded University of New Hampshire Extension Field Specialist Michele Kroll the 2024 Exceptional Local Educator Award for her program Promoting Health and Well-being of Older Adults in New Hampshire.

New Hampshire has seen an increase in the older adult population, expected to double by 2050. To address the needs of this aging population, Field Specialist Michele Kroll has implemented a variety of programming to promoting health and well-being of older adults in NH. Programming includes: the Wellness Wheel assessment, an online tool that helps individuals examine their wellness in eight dimensions and create an action plan to improve their health; Boost Your Brain, a 4 week series, that teaches participants how nutrition, physical activity, and stress are connected to brain health, and then offers strategies to improve their memory and overall health; and a partnership with the UNH Center for Digital Health and Innovation, that brings assistive technology (e.g., robots and virtual reality interventions) to Michele’s local county nursing home to support elderly patient care.

Kroll’s nomination was selected from a number of outstanding northeast professionals. NEED believes that Kroll and this program exemplify the locally focused, impact driven, and responsive work this award seeks to celebrate. Stay tuned for the opportunity to join NEED for a zoom celebration where Kroll will be invited to share information about this exceptional program and answer your questions.